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ai prompt engineer pro

Boost your productivity with Prompt Engineer Pro

How to write AI prompts with examples.

The greatest benefit to business in writing excellent prompts for AI interactions is the significant increase in efficiency.  Productive Prompts make you more efficient!

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Here are examples of the 26 prompt principles that we used to create the prompt generator. This categorization groups the principles based on their objectives, making it easier to understand and implement them.

1: How to Write AI prompts that have Communication Clarity

1. Be straightforward
2. Consider your audience
3. Follow guidelines
4. Use affirmative directives
9. Set expectations
10. Define consequences
11. Write naturally

2: How to Write AI prompts that use Structuring Input

8. Organization
7. Present examples
17. Use separators 
20. Prime output
21. Detail responses
22. Refine text

3: How to Write AI prompts Supporting Deep Learning

14. Encourage interactions
15. Test understanding
16. Assign roles
19. Mix approaches

4: How to Write AI prompts Addressing Special Topics

18. Repeat ideas
23. Create code scripts
24. Continue text
25. Specify requirements
26. Match samples

The Principles:

1. Being Straightforward Prompt

- Prompt example 1: Instead of saying "Would you be able to share the time, please?", say "What time is it?"
- Prompt example 2: Instead of saying "Could you possibly lift this book for me?", say "Please lift this book."
- Prompt example 3: Instead of saying "Do you think you could quiet down a bit?", say "Be quieter, please."

2. Considering Your Audience Prompt

- Prompt example 1: If you're talking to a scientist, you can use scientific terms. But if you're speaking to a younger child, use words they'll understand.
- Prompt example 2: If you're telling a story to a group of kids, speak loudly and clearly so everyone can hear. But if you're whispering a secret, make sure only the person you're talking to can hear.
- Prompt example 3: If you're explaining a game to a friend, use words and Prompt examples that they're familiar with.

3. Breaking Down Large Questions Prompt

- Prompt example 1: Instead of asking "How do planes and boats move?", ask "How do planes move?" and then "How do boats move?"
- Prompt example 2: Instead of asking "What are multiplication and division?", ask "What is multiplication?" and then "What is division?"
- Prompt example 3: Instead of asking "How do computers and phones work?", ask "How does a computer work?" and then "How does a phone work?"

4. Using Affirmative Directives Prompt

- Prompt example 1: Instead of saying "Don't forget your backpack!", say "Remember your backpack!"
- Prompt example 2: Instead of saying "Stop running!", say "Walk, please."
- Prompt example 3: Instead of saying "Don't hit your brother!", say "Be gentle with your brother."

5. Requesting Simple Explanations Prompt

- Prompt example 1: Instead of asking "Can you explain gravity?", say "Explain gravity in simple words."
- Prompt example 2: Instead of asking "Can you describe photosynthesis?", say "Explain photosynthesis like I'm 5 years old."
- Prompt example 3: Instead of asking "Can you define 'democracy'?", say "Explain what 'democracy' means in easy words."

6. Offering Tips Prompt

- Prompt example 1: Instead of saying "Calculate the square root of 64.", say "Calculate the square root of 64. Remember, the square root of a number is the value that, when multiplied by itself, equals the original number."
- Prompt example 2: Instead of saying "Translate 'Hello, how are you?' into French.", say "Translate 'Hello, how are you?' into French. By the way, remember that in French, the verb usually comes before the subject."
- Prompt example 3: Instead of saying "Write a poem about spring.", say "Write a poem about spring. Feel free to use rhyme or rhythm to make it sound beautiful."

7. Showing Prompt examples Prompt

- Prompt example 1: If you want the model to recognize different shapes, show pictures of circles, squares, triangles, etc.
- Prompt example 2: If you want the model to identify emotions, give Prompt examples of happy, sad, angry, surprised faces.
- Prompt example 3: If you want the model to classify animals, show images of mammals, birds, fish, insects, etc.

8. Organizing Your Prompt 

- Prompt example 1: Introduction: Hi there! Today, we will learn about space. Step 1: What is space? Step 2: How did space come to exist? Step 3: What planets are in space? etc.
- Prompt example 2: Instruction: Please draw a picture of a tree. Prompt example: See the image below for inspiration. Data: [Image of a tree]
- Prompt example 3: Problem: Sara buys 5 apples for $2 each. Question: How much does Sara spend on apples? Help: Multiply the number of apples by the price per apple. Answer: _______

9. Setting Expectations Prompt

- Prompt example 1: Your response should be truthful and kind.
- Prompt example 2: Your answer must be written in Spanish.
- Prompt example 3: Please ensure your response is no longer than one page.

10. Defining Consequences Prompt

- Prompt example 1: If you don't clean your room, you won't be allowed to play video games today.
- Prompt example 2: If you interrupt others during their presentation, you'll have to wait outside.
- Prompt example 3: If you fail to turn in your homework on time, you'll receive a zero.

11. Writing Naturally Prompt

- Prompt example 1: Natural: "Good morning! How was your day yesterday?"
- Prompt example 2: Not Natural: "Morning. Yesterday day good?"
- Prompt example 3: Natural: "I love playing soccer with my friends."
- Prompt example 4: Not Natural: "Like soccer playing friends with."

12. Taking Things Step by Step Prompt

- Prompt example 1: To make a sandwich, first gather bread, meat, cheese, lettuce, and spreads. Next, lay out two slices of bread. Then, add the meat, cheese, lettuce, and spreads. Finally, put the second slice of bread on top and cut the sandwich in half.
- Prompt example 2: To solve the math problem, first identify the numbers and operation(s). Second, perform the calculation. Third, double-check your work.
- Prompt example 3: To draw a house, first sketch the outline. Then, add windows, doors, and a roof. Finally, color in the drawing.

13. Avoiding Biases Prompt 

- Prompt example 1: Unbiased: "Describe the benefits and challenges of remote work."
- Prompt example 2: Biased: "Remote work is terrible because people aren't as productive as they are in an office."
- Prompt example 3: Unbiased: "Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of eating fast food."

14. Encouraging Interactions Prompt

- Prompt example 1: Model: "What is your favorite animal?" User: "My favorite animal is a dog." Model: "That's great! Why do you like dogs?"
- Prompt example 2: Model: "Who is your favorite superhero?" User: "Spider-Man." Model: "Ah, Spider-Man! What do you admire most about him?"
- Prompt example 3: Model: "Which country would you like to visit?" User: "France." Model: "Interesting choice! Have you studied any French yet? Would you like to learn a few words?"

15. Testing Understanding Prompt

- Prompt example 1: Teacher: "Can you summarize what we learned about habitats today?" Student: "Sure, we discussed how different animals live in various habitats depending on their needs."
- Prompt example 2: Tutor: "Let's practice addition. What is 5 + 3?" Student: "8!" Tutor: "Great job! Now, what is 12 + 7?"
- Prompt example 3: Parent: "Can you read this sentence for me?" Kid: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." Parent: "Perfect! Now, can you read it again, slower this time?"

16. Assigning Roles Prompt

- Prompt example 1: Model as a detective solving a mystery: "Based on the clues provided, I believe the thief is the gardener."
- Prompt example 2: Model as a personal trainer: "For this exercise, stand upright, bend your knees slightly, hold weights at shoulder level, then slowly lower them."
- Prompt example 3: Model as a historian discussing ancient Egypt: "Pharaohs ruled Egypt around 3100 BC and held immense power."

17. Using Separators Prompt

- Prompt example 1: --- START OF PROMPT --- "Describe the plot of a movie." --- END OF PROMPT ---
- Prompt example 2: ### INSTRUCTIONS ### "Create a to-do list for tomorrow." ### Prompt example ### "[Task 1] Walk the dog. \n[Task 2] Buy groceries. \netc." ### QUESTION ### "What tasks should I accomplish tomorrow?"
- Prompt example 3: ||| TOPIC: Animals ||| "List five common farm animals." 1. Cow 2. Chicken 3. Horse 4. Sheep 5. Goat

18. Repeating Ideas Prompt

- Prompt example 1: "I really, really enjoy spending time with my family."
- Prompt example 2: "It's important to always, always wash your hands before meals."
- Prompt example 3: "She loves singing, singing, and singing!"

19. Mixing Different Approaches Prompt

- Prompt example 1: COACHING STYLE: "I noticed you struggled with that last math problem. Take a moment to breathe, then let's break it down step by step." FEW-SHOT STYLE: "Here's an easier problem: What is 2 + 2? Great! Now, let's try the harder one again: [math problem]."
- Prompt example 2: COACHING STYLE: "I see you're stuck on this painting. Let's analyze the reference photo and decide on colors first." CHAIN-OF-THOUGHT STYLE: "First, let's mix these two paint colors. Once we achieve the desired shade, we can start blocking in the shadows. Then, we'll gradually blend lighter shades for the highlights."
- Prompt example 3: COACHING STYLE: "I observed that you struggle to organize your workspace. Together, let's declutter and arrange items neatly." FEW-SHOT STYLE: "Look how tidy and functional this desk setup is. Now, let's emulate it with your stuff."

20. Priming Outputs Prompt

- Prompt example 1: "Imagine you're answering a trivia question about presidents. Which US president appears first in chronological order?"
- Prompt example 2: "Consider yourself a poet composing a haiku about autumn leaves. How would you start?"
- Prompt example 3: "Act like a teacher introducing a science project on plant growth. Describe the purpose and materials."

21. Detailing Responses Prompt

- Prompt example 1: "Instead of just listing fruits, can you discuss their nutritional values, seasons, and growing conditions?"
- Prompt example 2: "Rather than describing a historical event briefly, could you elaborate on the causes, timeline, major figures involved, and consequences?"
- Prompt example 3: "Instead of sharing a plain recipe, why not include interesting facts about the dish's origins, cooking techniques, and serving suggestions?"

22. Refining Text Prompt

- Prompt example 1: "Review this paragraph and correct any punctuation, grammar, and spelling errors without changing its meaning."
- Prompt example 2: "Revise this passage to improve sentence structures, variety, and overall flow."
- Prompt example 3: "Edit this draft to remove redundancies, awkward phrasings, and inconsistent tenses."

23. Creating Code Scripts Prompt

- Prompt example 1: "Whenever you automate file manipulation, generate scripts that handle creating, deleting, renaming, and editing files accordingly."
- Prompt example 2: "When working on web scraping projects, develop Python scripts that save extracted data to appropriate files and databases."
- Prompt example 3: "As you compose programs to manage database records, construct SQL queries that update tables dynamically."

24. Continuing Text Prompt

- Prompt example 1: MODEL: "Once upon a time, in a land far away, lived a brave knight named Sir Lancelot." USER: "Sir Lancelot embarked on dangerous quests, rescuing fair maidens and defeating evil dragons."
- Prompt example 2: MODEL: "Our solar system consists of eight planets orbiting the sun." USER: "Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune – each with unique features and fascinating discoveries waiting to be made."
- Prompt example 3: MODEL: "In the vast ocean teemed countless creatures, from tiny plankton to gigantic whales." USER: "Each organism played a vital role in maintaining balance underwater, contributing to an extraordinary ecosystem filled with wonder."

25. Specifying Requirements Prompt

- Prompt example 1: FORMAT: "Present your conclusion in bullet points, using complete sentences." CONTENT: "Summarize the article's key arguments and supporting evidence."
- Prompt example 2: FORMAT: "Compose a letter to the city council expressing concern about local pollution issues." CONTENT: "Include statistics, possible solutions, and requests for action."
- Prompt example 3: FORMAT: "Generate a table comparing four popular electric vehicles regarding cost, range, charging speed, and safety ratings." CONTENT: "Ensure columns are labeled correctly, and cells contain accurate, updated information."

26. Matching Sample Styles Prompt

- Prompt example 1: IF SAMPLE TEXT IS POETIC: "Compose a sonnet about Spring, mirroring the ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme scheme used earlier."
- Prompt example 2: IF SAMPLE TEXT IS FORMAL: "Respond formally, addressing the recipient as 'dear sir/madam', signing off appropriately, and observing proper salutations."
- Prompt example 3: IF SAMPLE TEXT USES BRIEF AND DIRECT SENTENCES: "Follow suit, keeping responses succinct and to the point, eliminating unnecessary words and phrases."

There is one more prompt - the tree of thought.

Take the Prompt Engineer Pro quiz.

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Prompt Engineer Pro