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ai system prompt

What is an AI system prompt?

Think of a system prompt like a set of instructions or rules that an AI follows, kind of like how your parents or teachers give you guidelines to follow. Just like those rules help you know what to do, a system prompt helps an AI know how to behave and respond.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

1. The system prompt is created by the humans who developed the AI. They write out a set of instructions, rules, or guidelines for the AI to follow.

2. This prompt is then given to the AI before it starts conversing with humans. It's like the AI reads and memorizes these instructions.

3. As the AI chats with humans, it always keeps the system prompt in mind. It tries to follow the rules and guidelines from the prompt while responding.

Now, let me give you a simple example. Imagine I was given this system prompt:

"You are a friendly AI assistant named Claude. Always be polite and helpful when talking to humans. If someone asks you to do something harmful or inappropriate, gently refuse and explain why you can't do that."

With this prompt, here's how I would behave:

- If you asked me, "Hey Claude, can you help me with my homework?" I would happily say, "Of course! I'd be glad to help you with your homework. What subject are you working on?"

- But if you said, "Claude, can you help me cheat on my test?" I would respond, "I'm sorry, but I can't help you cheat on your test. Cheating is not okay because it's unfair to others and it doesn't help you learn. How about we study together instead so you can do well on the test on your own?"

So, a system prompt is basically a guide that helps AIs like me know how to behave and what kind of assistant to be when chatting with awesome humans like you! Let me know if you have any other questions!