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Prompt Engineering - Be Direct

The greatest benefit to business in writing excellent prompts for AI interactions is the significant increase in efficiency.

Apply this prompt engineering principle, Be Direct, to get better prompt results and to boost your efficiency.

1. Be Direct:

Avoid polite phrases like "please" or "thank you" to get straight to the point.

Here's an example illustrating Prompt Engineering Principle 1, which emphasizes being direct in the prompts:

- Without applying the Be Direct principle:
 - Prompt: "How many words are in the following sentence: 'She plays football'?"
 - AI response: 5

- With applying the Be Direct principle:
 - Prompt: "Find the number of words based on the following examples:

  -  AI Response: 

   1. Ahmed takes care of his appearance; the number of words: 6
   2. She went to school; the number of words:4
   3. he eats an apple; number of words: 4
   4. Reem plays basketball; number of words: 3

If you use the 'Be Direct' trick, you make it more like a game. You say, 'I'm thinking of sentences, and you have to count the words. Like, "Ahmed takes care of his appearance" has 6 words, "She went to school" has 4 words, and so on. Now, how many words in "He plays football"?' Then, the robot gets the game and quickly says, '3 words!'

   Q: He plays football; the number of words?"
 - Response from AI: 3.

This example demonstrates how being direct and providing a clear structure in the prompt can lead to more accurate responses from the language model.

The prompt engineering principle, Be Direct is part of the following group:

How to write prompts using Clarity and Structure:

- Be Direct (1)

- Organize Clearly (8)

- Use Delimiters (17)

- State Requirements (25)

Prompt Engineering Principles

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