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Prompt Engineering - Detailed Writing

Principle 21 - Detailed Writing - involves crafting prompts that request detailed, in-depth content on a specific topic. This approach is especially useful when comprehensive information, rich in detail and context, is required. Here's how you can apply this principle in practice:

Example: Detailed Explanation of a Scientific Concept

Without Principle 21:

Prompt: "Explain photosynthesis."

With Principle 21:

Prompt: "Write a detailed explanation of photosynthesis for a biology textbook. Include all necessary information about the process, its importance to plant life and the environment, and how it impacts the global ecosystem."

Example: In-Depth Analysis of a Historical Event

Without Principle 21:

Prompt: "Describe the causes of World War II."

With Principle 21:

Prompt: "Provide a detailed analysis of the causes of World War II. Cover the political, economic, and social factors that led to the war, including the role of key figures and nations. Add relevant historical context to give a comprehensive understanding of the events."

Example: Comprehensive Business Plan

Without Principle 21:

Prompt: "Outline a business plan for a start-up."

With Principle 21:

Prompt: "Create a detailed business plan for a tech start-up. The plan should include market analysis, product description, marketing strategy, operational plan, financial projections, and potential risks and mitigations. Ensure each section contains all necessary information for a potential investor."

 In each of these examples, Principle 21 is applied by requesting a detailed, comprehensive response. This approach ensures that the AI provides a response rich in content, covering all necessary aspects of the topic in depth. It's particularly effective for educational, analytical, or planning tasks where a thorough understanding and extensive information are crucial.