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ai prompts for organizing with clairity

Prompt Engineering - Organize clearly

To be efficient or not to be efficient. Pick one.

Apply this prompt engineering principle, organize clearly, to become more efficient.

1: Requesting Market Analysis

Using Prompt Engineering Principle 8 - Organize Clearly (Well-Structured Prompt):


Provide a market analysis for the current trends in the renewable energy sector. 


An example of market analysis: The electric vehicle market has seen a 30% growth in the last year, driven by environmental policies and consumer preference shifts. 


What are the latest trends in the renewable energy market?

Not Using Principle 8 - Organize Clearly (Poorly-Structured Prompt):

I need to know about the renewable energy market trends. For example, electric vehicles grew by 30% last year. What's happening in renewable energy?


In the well-structured example, the prompt is clear and segmented, much like a well-organized business report that separates the executive summary, analysis, and conclusions. 

In the poorly-structured prompt, the request, example, and question are jumbled together, resembling a confusing email that mixes up multiple points, leading to potential misunderstandings.

2: Seeking Product Development Advice

Using Principle 8 - Organize Clearly (Well-Structured Prompt):

Prompt: Suggest features for the next version of our project management software. 


For instance, in the latest CRM tools, AI-based customer insights have been a popular feature. ### Question ### What innovative features should we consider for our next software update?

Not Using Principle 8 - Organize Clearly (Poorly-Structured Prompt):

 What should we add to our project management software next? Like CRM tools have AI for customer insights. Need ideas. 


- The well-structured prompt is akin to a clear, agenda-driven business meeting where each point is discussed separately for clarity. - The less structured prompt is like a hurried conversation where ideas are thrown in without clear structure, often leading to confusion and less effective brainstorming.

3: Requesting HR Policy Updates

Using Principle 8 - Organize Clearly (Well-Structured Prompt):

Prompt: Outline potential updates to our remote work policy to enhance employee productivity. 


Other companies have introduced flexible hours and wellness programs. ### Question ### What updates can we make to our remote work policies?

Not Using Principle 8 - Organize Clearly (Poorly Structured Prompt):

Need to update our remote work policy for better productivity. Some companies offer flexible hours. What should we do? 


A well-structured prompt mirrors a strategic plan, where objectives, background research, and specific questions are distinctly laid out.

A poorly structured prompt is similar to an unclear brief, which might lead to ineffective or misdirected efforts. In summary, as a businessperson, think of organizing your prompts like you would organize a business document or meeting. 

A clear, well-structured approach leads to more effective communication and better outcomes, whether you're dealing with AI or your team.

The prompt engineering principle, Organize Clearly is part of the following group:

How to write prompts using Clarity and Structure:

- Be Direct (1)

- Organize Clearly (8)

- Use Dividers (17)

- State Requirements (25)

Prompt Engineering Principles

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