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Prompt Engineering - Output Priming

Apply this prompt engineering principle, Output Priming or Giving a Starting Phrase, to get better prompt results and to improve your efficiency.

Prompt Engineering Principle 20 - Output Priming or Giving a Starting Phrase - involves the use of output primers, which means ending your prompt with the start of the desired response. This technique helps guide the AI in the direction of the type of answer you're looking for. It can be particularly effective for tasks requiring a specific format or style of response. Here's how you can apply this principle in practice:

Example: Writing a News Article

Without Principle 20 - Output Priming or Giving a Starting Phrase:

Prompt: "Write a news article about the latest advancements in renewable energy."

With Principle 10 - Output Priming or Giving a Starting Phrase:

Prompt: "Write a news article about the latest advancements in renewable energy. Start with: 'In a significant breakthrough for sustainable technology, researchers have...'"

Example: Crafting a Motivational Speech

Without Principle 20 - Output Priming or Giving a Starting Phrase:

Prompt: "Compose a motivational speech for high school graduates."

With Principle 20 - Output Priming or Giving a Starting Phrase:

Prompt: "Compose a motivational speech for high school graduates. Begin with: 'As you stand on the threshold of a new journey, remember that...'"

Example: Creating a Product Description

Without Principle 20 - Output Priming or Giving a Starting Phrase:

Prompt: "Describe the features of the latest model of the SmartWidget."

With Principle 20 - Output Priming or Giving a Starting Phrase:

Prompt: "Describe the features of the latest model of the SmartWidget. Start with: 'The SmartWidget 2021 model redefines innovation with its...'"

In each of these examples, Principle 20 is applied by starting the prompt with the beginning of the anticipated response. This approach effectively sets the tone and direction for the AI's output, making it more likely that the response will align with the user's expectations in terms of style, content, and format.

The prompt engineering principle, Output Priming or Giving a Starting Phrase is part of the following group:

Providing Examples 

- Give Examples (7) 

- Repeat Key Phrases (18) 

- Give a Starting Phrase (20) 

Prompt Engineering Principles