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Prompt Engineering - Positive Words

Apply this prompt engineering principle, Positive Words, to get better prompt results.

Prompt Engineering Principle 4 - Positive Words - focuses on employing affirmative directives or positive words and avoiding negative language in prompts. This principle helps in guiding the model towards the desired outcome more effectively. Here's how you can apply this principle in practice:

Example: Planning a Marketing Strategy

Without Principle 4 - Positive Words:

- Prompt: "Don't just list the elements of a successful marketing strategy; explain why each element is important." 

With Principle 4 - Positive Words: - 

Prompt: "Describe the elements of a successful marketing strategy and explain the significance of each element."

Example: Coding a New Feature 

Without Principle 4 - Positive Words: 

- Prompt: "Don't just write the code; also provide comments explaining each section of the code." 

With Principle 4 - Positive Words

- Prompt: "Write the code for the new feature and include comments to explain each section, ensuring clarity and maintainability."

Example: Providing Customer Service Without Principle 4 - Positive Words:

Prompt: "Don't just answer the customer's question; ensure you're also making them feel supported and understood." 

With Principle 4 - Positive Words:

- Prompt: "Address the customer's question thoroughly and provide reassurance by acknowledging their concerns and offering clear, supportive guidance."

In each of these examples, employing Positive Words makes the prompt more direct and positive, guiding the AI to not only complete the task but also add value in a specific, constructive manner. This approach enhances the quality of the output by ensuring that the model's responses are aligned with the desired outcome.

The prompt engineering principle, Positive Words is part of the following group:

Guiding Instructions 

- Use Positive Words (4

- Say "You Must" (9)

- Warn of Penalties (10)  

- Think Step-by-Step (12) 

- Match a Sample (26) 

Prompt Engineering Principles