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Prompt Engineering - Script Creation for Code

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Principle 26 - Script Creation for Code - involves crafting prompts that guide the AI to generate code spanning multiple files or to create scripts for automating the generation or modification of files. This approach is especially useful in software development contexts where complex tasks require more than a single-file solution. Here's how you can apply this principle in practice:

Example: Creating a Multi-File Web Application

Without Principle 26:

Prompt: "Write code for a basic web application."

With Principle 26:

Prompt: "Develop a web application with a front-end using HTML and CSS and a back-end using JavaScript. Generate code that spans more than one file: create separate files for HTML (index.html), CSS (styles.css), and JavaScript (app.js). Also, provide instructions on how the files should be organized and linked together for the application to function correctly."

Example: Automating Data Analysis Scripts

Without Principle 26:

Prompt: "Write a Python script for analyzing sales data."

With Principle 26:

Prompt: "Write a Python script to automate the analysis of sales data. The script should generate a main file ( and separate modules for data loading (, processing (, and visualization ( Ensure the main script coordinates the workflow between these modules for efficient data analysis."

Example: Developing a Multi-Part Configuration Script

Without Principle 26:

Prompt: "Create a script for configuring a server environment."

With Principle 26:

Prompt: "Develop a comprehensive script for configuring a server environment, suitable for a Linux-based system. The script should consist of multiple parts: a main setup script (, a user configuration file (, and system configuration file ( Provide comments on how these scripts interact and can be run sequentially to complete the setup process." 

In each of these examples, Principle 26 is applied by directing the AI to handle complex coding tasks that involve multiple files or scripts. This ensures that the AI provides a structured and modular solution, suitable for more advanced and intricate software development tasks.