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Prompt Engineering - Step-by-Step Thinking

Apply this prompt engineering principle, Step-by-Step Thinking, to get better prompt results and to boost your efficiency. 

Let's play a game called 'Step-by-Step Detective.' It's like being a detective who solves mysteries one clue at a time. That's what 'Step-by-Step Thinking' is - solving problems or creating things one step at a time

Prompt Engineering Principle 12 - step-by-step thinking - involves the use of leading words or phrases in your prompts to guide the AI towards a specific style of thinking or approach to a task. This principle can be particularly useful for tasks that require a step-by-step explanation, logical reasoning, or creative thinking. Here's how you can apply this principle in practice:

Example: Solving a Mathematical Problem

Without Principle 12 - Step-by-Step Thinking:

Prompt: "Solve the equation x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0."

With Principle 12 - Step-by-Step Thinking:

Prompt: "Solve the equation x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0. Think step by step and explain each stage of your reasoning."

Example: Planning a Marketing Strategy

Without Principle 12 - Step-by-Step Thinking:

Prompt: "Create a marketing strategy for launching a new eco-friendly product."

With Principle 12 - Step-by-Step Thinking:

Prompt: "Create a marketing strategy for launching a new eco-friendly product. Approach this task by thinking step by step, starting from market analysis to the execution of the campaign."

Example: Developing a Story Plot

Without Principle 12 - Step-by-Step Thinking:

Prompt: "Write a plot for a science fiction story."

With Principle 12 - Step-by-Step Thinking:

Prompt: "Write a plot for a science fiction story. Begin by setting the scene in a futuristic world, then step by step, develop the characters, conflict, and resolution."

In each of these examples Principle 12 - Step-by-Step Thinking is applied by encouraging the AI to adopt a step-by-step approach. This helps in breaking down complex tasks or ideas into more manageable parts, ensuring a thorough and logical progression in the AI's response. It can be particularly effective for educational, problem-solving, or creative tasks, where clarity and structure are key.

The prompt engineering principle, Step-by-Step Thinking is part of the following prompt group:

Guiding Instructions 

- Use Positive Words (4

- Say "You Must" (9)

- Warn of Penalties (10)  

- Think Step-by-Step (12) 

- Match a Sample (26) 

Prompt Engineering Principles