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Prompt Engineering - Task Breakdown

Apply this prompt engineering principle, Task Breakdown, to get better prompt results.

Think about baking a giant, yummy cake. You wouldn't just throw all the ingredients into a bowl and hope for the best, right? You'd follow the recipe step by step. That's what 'Task Breakdown' is like when you're asking AI models to do something.

Without Principle 3 - Task Breakdown:

Prompt: "Write a comprehensive research article on the impact of artificial intelligence on modern industries, including its benefits, challenges, and future prospects."

With Principle 3 - Task Breakdown:

Step 1 (Introduction) 

Prompt: "Start by writing an introductory paragraph about the evolution of artificial intelligence and its growing significance in modern industries."
Response: Model generates an introductory paragraph.

Step 2 (Benefits)

 Prompt: "Now, detail the benefits of artificial intelligence in industries such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing."
Response: Model lists and explains the benefits.

Step 3 (Challenges) 

Prompt: "Discuss the challenges and limitations faced when integrating artificial intelligence in these industries."
Response: Model outlines the challenges.

Step 4 (Future Prospects) 

Prompt: "Conclude by speculating on the future prospects of artificial intelligence in transforming these industries."

Response: Model provides insights into future prospects.

By breaking the complex task of writing a research article into smaller, more manageable prompts, you guide the model through the content creation process step by step, ensuring a coherent and comprehensive output​​.

The prompt engineering principle, Task Breakdown is part of the following group:

Conversation Flow:

- Break it Down (3) 

- Natural Response (11)

- Ask Questions (14) 

- Chained Prompts (19) 

- Continue a Prompt (24) 

Prompt Engineering Principles