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Prompt Engineering - Teaching Request

Apply this prompt engineering principle, Teaching Request or Test Understanding, to get better prompt results and to boost your efficiency.

Prompt Engineering Principle 15 - Teaching Request or Test Understanding - involves crafting prompts that encourage the AI to engage in teaching or explaining a concept, followed by testing the user's understanding with a quiz or questions. This approach is particularly effective for educational content or when you want to reinforce learning. 

Here's how you can apply this principle in practice:

Example: Teaching Basic Economics

Without Principle 15 - Teaching Request or Test Understanding:

Prompt: "Explain the concept of supply and demand."

With Principle 15 - Teaching Request or Test Understanding:

Prompt: "Teach me the concept of supply and demand in economics. After your explanation, include a short quiz with three questions to test my understanding of the topic."

Example: Understanding a Scientific Principle

Without Principle 15 - Teaching Request or Test Understanding:

Prompt: "Describe the theory of relativity."

With Principle 15 - Teaching Request or Test Understanding:

Prompt: "Teach me Einstein's theory of relativity in a simple and understandable way. Following your explanation, provide a few scenarios as questions to see if I can apply the theory correctly."

Example: Learning a New Language

Without Principle 15 - Teaching Request or Test Understanding:

Prompt: "Provide some basic phrases in Spanish."

With Principle 15 - Teaching Request or Test Understanding:

Prompt: "Teach me five basic conversational phrases in Spanish. After each phrase, ask me a question that I can answer using one of the phrases to practice and reinforce my learning."

In each of these examples, Principle 15, - Teaching Request or Test Understanding, is applied by transforming the prompt into an educational session, complete with a follow-up test or quiz. This method not only imparts knowledge but also actively engages the user in applying what they've learned, thereby enhancing retention, and understanding.

The prompt engineering principle, Teaching Request or Test Understanding is part of the following group:

Testing Understanding

- Offer a Big Tip (6) 

- Test Understanding (15) 

Prompt Engineering Principles