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Prompt Engineering - Text Continuation

Apply this prompt engineering principle, Text Continuation, to get better prompt results.

What is Text Continuation or Continue a Prompt?

Prompt Engineering Principle 24 - Text Continuation - involves creating prompts that encourage the continuation or completion of a given text, using specific words, phrases, or sentences provided. This technique is especially useful for creative writing or when looking to maintain a consistent style or theme. Here's how you can apply this principle in practice:

Example: Continuing a Story

Without Principle 24 - Text Continuation:

Prompt: "Write a story about a mysterious forest."

With Principle 24 - Text Continuation: 

Prompt: "Continue this story set in a mysterious forest. I'm providing you with the beginning: 'As the fog lifted, revealing the twisted paths of the ancient forest, Eleanor noticed something shimmering under the old oak tree.' Finish the story based on these opening lines, keeping the same mysterious and enchanting tone."

Example: Completing a Technical Report

Without Principle 24 - Text Continuation:

Prompt: "Write a conclusion for a technical report on renewable energy sources."

With Principle 24 - Text Continuation:

Prompt: "Complete the conclusion for this technical report on renewable energy sources. Start with: 'In summary, the shift towards renewable energy not only represents a sustainable choice but also...' Continue from there, focusing on the long-term benefits and challenges."

Example: Finishing a Poem

Without Principle 24 - Text Continuation:

Prompt: "Write a poem about the changing seasons."

With Principle 24 - Text Continuation:

Prompt: "Finish this poem about the changing seasons. The first lines are: 'As autumn's chill descends, leaves turn to gold. The air grows crisp, and stories untold.' Continue in a similar lyrical and reflective style, capturing the essence of each season." 

In each of these examples, Principle 24 is applied by providing a starting point for the AI and instructing it to continue in a manner that is consistent with the given beginning. This approach helps maintain coherence and continuity in the text, ensuring that the added content seamlessly follows from what was initially provided.

The prompt engineering principle, Text Continuation is part of the following group:

Conversation Flow:

- Break it Down (3) 

- Natural Response (11)

- Ask Questions (14) 

- Chained Prompts (19) 

- Continue a Prompt (24) 

Prompt Engineering Principles