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Prompt Engineering - Text Revision

Apply this prompt engineering principle, Text Revision or Preserve Style, to get better prompt results and to boost your efficiency .

Prompt Engineering Principle 22 - Text Revision or Preserve Style - involves prompting the AI to revise or improve a given text without altering its original style. This principle is particularly useful for editing or enhancing existing content while maintaining its unique voice and tone. Here's how you can apply this principle in practice:

Example: Editing a Formal Business Letter

Without Principle 22 - Text Revision or Preserve Style:

Prompt: "Revise this business letter for clarity and impact."

With Principle 22 - Text Revision or Preserve Style:

Prompt: "Revise the following business letter for clarity and impact. Ensure you maintain the original formal tone and style, focusing only on improving grammar, structure, and persuasiveness without changing the fundamental character of the letter."

Example: Enhancing a Creative Short Story

Without Principle 22 - Text Revision or Preserve Style:

Prompt: "Improve this short story."

With Principle 22 - Text Revision or Preserve Style:

Prompt: "Enhance the attached short story. Your task is to refine the narrative and language for greater impact while preserving the author's original storytelling style, including the use of descriptive language and character development."

Example: Polishing a Technical Report

Without Principle 22 - Text Revision or Preserve Style:

Prompt: "Edit this technical report to make it more concise and readable."

With Principle 22 - Text Revision or Preserve Style:

Prompt: "Edit the provided technical report to enhance its conciseness and readability. Focus on streamlining complex sentences and clarifying technical jargon but be careful to preserve the report's technical accuracy and professional tone."

 In each of these examples, Principle 22 - Text Revision or Preserve Style is applied by instructing the AI to revise the text with specific attention to maintaining the original style and tone. This ensures that while improvements are made in areas like clarity, grammar, or structure, the essence of the original writing remains intact. This approach is particularly valuable in editing work where the voice and style of the original author or document are important to preserve.

The prompt engineering principle, Text Revision or Preserve Style is part of the following group:

Avoiding Bias 

- Avoid Bias (13) 

- Preserve Style (22) 

Prompt Engineering Principles