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Prompt Engineering - Use of Delimiters

Simple, write better prompts to become more efficient. 

Apply this prompt engineering principle, Use of Delimiters or Use of Dividers, to boost your efficiency.

Prompt Engineering Principle 17 - Use of Delimiters - suggests using delimiters in your prompts to structure the interaction with the AI. Delimiters help in clearly separating different parts of the prompt, such as instructions, examples, and questions, making it easier for the AI to understand and respond appropriately. Here's how you can apply this principle in practice:

Example: Recipe Generation

Without Principle 17 - Use of Delimiters or Use Dividers:

Prompt: "Write a recipe for a vegetarian pasta dish including ingredients and cooking instructions."

With Principle 17- Use of Delimiters or Use Dividers:

Prompt: ``` ###Recipe### Dish: Vegetarian Pasta ###Ingredients### List the ingredients needed. ###Instructions### Provide step-by-step cooking instructions. ```

Example: Technical Problem Solving

Without Principle 17 - Use of Delimiters or Use Dividers:

Prompt: "Explain how to resolve network connectivity issues in a home Wi-Fi setup."

With Principle 17- Use of Delimiters or Use Dividers:

Prompt: ``` ###Problem### Network Connectivity Issues in Home Wi-Fi Setup ###Symptoms### Describe common symptoms. ###Troubleshooting Steps### Provide a step-by-step guide to troubleshoot and resolve the issues. ```

Example: Educational Content on Historical Events

Without Principle 17 - Use of Delimiters or Use Dividers:

Prompt: "Describe the events leading up to the American Revolution and its significant outcomes."

With Principle 17 - Use of Delimiters or Use Dividers:

Prompt: ``` ###Historical Context### Outline the events leading up to the American Revolution. ###Key Outcomes### Describe the significant outcomes of the American Revolution. ```

In each of these examples, Principle 17 - Use of Delimiters or Use Dividers is applied by structuring the prompt with clear delimiters. This helps in organizing the content, making it easier for the AI to understand the distinct parts of the task and respond in a well-structured and coherent manner.

Apply these prompt engineering principles to your prompts to get better prompt results!

The prompt engineering principle, Use of Delimiters or Use of Dividers is part of the following group:

How to write prompts using Clarity and Structure:

- Be Direct (1)

- Organize Clearly (8)

- Use Delimiters (17)

- State Requirements (25)

Prompt Engineering Principles

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