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steps to create the best prompts

Prompt steps

Here are some ai prompt resources to help you get the most out of AI. This stuff is constantly evolving so visit this at least once a month. 

Prompt Engineering from open ai




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Begin by selecting a context from the available options or by precisely outlining the topic or subject you would like ChatGPT to concentrate on. Copywriter, Author, Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, Marketer, Statistician, Journalist, Writer, Personal Trainer, Trader, Financial Analyst, Portfolio Manager, Venture Capitalist, DevOps Engineer, Graphic Designer
R — RESULT Identify the desired outcome or result you aim to accomplish with ChatGPT. Pick from the given list or illustrate a similar objective. Email, Book, Website, Outline, Summary, Manual, Procedure, Agreement, Content, Script, Speech, Press Release, Business Plan, Review, Optimize, Criticize
E — EXPLAIN Provide a detailed explanation of your request, including any crucial information that will assist ChatGPT in understanding the context and expected outcome more effectively. Summarizing, Explaining, Creating, Comparing, Contrasting, Evaluating, Narrating, Analyzing, Defining, Persuading, Informing, Entertaining, Predicting, Offering, Synthesizing, Detailing
A — AUDIENCE Define the target audience by considering age, interests, occupation, and demographics. Business Owners, Men, Women, Young adults, College Students, Parents, Seniors, Teenagers, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Freelancers, Engineers, Developers, Travelers, Homeowners, Remote workers
T — TONE When writing, select an appropriate tone that aligns with the content’s purpose and intended audience. Persuasive, Engaging, Serious, Informative, Entertaining, Conversational, Professional, Friendly, Inspirational, Humorous, Authoritative, Objective, Descriptive, Emotional, Analytical, Concise
E — EDIT After ChatGPT produces a response, thoroughly examine and modify the content using suggested editing techniques (e.g., expand, modify, shorten, etc.) to ensure it corresponds with your desired result. Explain, Iterate, Expand, Modify, Add, Delete, Revise, Rewrite, Summarize, Simplify, Reorganize, Paraphrase, Update, Proofread, Fact-check, Rephrase

ChatGPT Power Prompts Cheatsheet-C.R.E.A.T.E Framework For Prompting was created by Anish Singh Walia.