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teach your ai how to search the net

Teach Your Custom GPT to Search the Internet Efficiently

To search the internet effectively using a language model, it's crucial to formulate your prompt with clear intent, specificity, and context. Here’s a structured approach to crafting such a prompt:

Prompt: "Conduct an internet search on [specific topic or question]. Please provide a summary of the most recent and relevant information, including key facts, figures, and any notable opinions or conclusions from authoritative sources. Ensure the search covers sources published within the last [specific time frame, e.g., 6 months] to ensure currency. Highlight any significant discrepancies or debates surrounding the topic. Additionally, if possible, include links to the top three sources for further reading."

This prompt structure accomplishes several key objectives:

Specificity: It explicitly states the topic or question, reducing ambiguity.

Recency: By specifying a time frame, it focuses on the most current information.

Depth and Breadth: It asks for a summary that captures key points, ensuring a comprehensive overview.

Source Quality: It implicitly asks for authoritative sources, enhancing reliability.

Further Exploration: By requesting links, it facilitates deeper investigation.

This format is adaptable to various inquiries, ensuring you get detailed, accurate, and timely information from your search.

prompt engineer pro I created a Prompt Engineer Pro GPT assistant on hugging faceto save you time and to generate productive prompts. Hugging Face is an AI open-source project. It is free to use. Hugging Face recently added assistants to make chats - HuggingChat ( .